HIV – What is it?
HIV is what gets passed from person to person. HIV is not transmitted by saliva. Since the vast majority of researchers believe that HIV is the sole cause of AIDS, we often refer to HIV as "the AIDS virus. HIV is spread through some of the body's fluids. HIV is a big problem for young people, as well as adults. HIV is passed only through direct contact with another person's body fluids, such as blood. Oral sex with someone who is infected with HIV is certainly not risk free. HIV is a virus that weakens the body's power to fight disease.
Find a Youth Friendly Testing Site Please visit the Adolescent AIDS Program's national HIV testing resources for a site in your area. Voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) is the gateway to prevention and treatment and care services. The startling reluctance to seek help in one of the few African nations able to provide it prompted a radical rethinking of how testing is done here. Resources on testing for HIV/AIDS including information about test sites and counseling. Testing for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is essential so that infected individuals can seek appropriate care.
The launch of the testing campaign coincides with the 12th annual National HIV Testing Day, the Washington Times reports ( Washington Times , 6/25). Testing will be FREE, confidential, quick, and painless --“ no needles. In this situation, repeat testing over time may be necessary before they can be reassured that they are not infected with HIV. Testing for HIV infection has complex social, ethical, legal, and health implications. Testing can be made through a regular visit with a clinician or through the Anonymous Testing Clinic.
A crop of vaccine candidates that are capable of inducing robust cellular immune responses garner attention at this year's AIDS Vaccine conference. Yet an effective AIDS vaccine, which potentially could thwart millions of new HIV infections each year, remains a distant dream. A Quebec scientist said a vaccine for HIV could be ready in five years. A major trial into a possible vaccine for HIV has ended in disappointment for researchers. If, on the other hand, an AIDS vaccine is still a distant reality, other strategies for reducing HIV transmission (e. Monkeys given the vaccine did not become infected later, when given a lethal strain of SIV, the simian cousin of HIV. Another barrier in the quest for a vaccine is how to tell whom is HIV infected from who has been HIV vaccinated. Harvard seeks an industrial partner to develop the various vaccine applications, with a specific focus on a clinical stage HIV vaccine candidate. After more than 20 years of intensive research an effective vaccine against HIV is not yet available.
Injection drug use is a major factor in the spread of HIV in minority communities. Health care workers (such as doctors, nurses, and dentists) help prevent the spread of HIV by wearing plastic gloves when working on a patient. Prevention can stop spread of HIV. Another area of concern is the spread of HIV/AIDS related to human trafficking. When the cells become overloaded with virus due to the action of methamphetamine, the immune response can be disrupted, promoting the spread of HIV. But the spread of HIV is not merely a practical problem that enough condoms, drugs and doctors can bring under control. In addition, low literacy levels among farm workers have made it difficult to spread HIV/AIDS messages effectively.
The blog is a unique opportunity for people to witness the battle to control the spread of HIV/AIDS in an African village. It emphasizes the search for ways to prevent the further spread of HIV. Continued efforts to reduce STDs in Thailand and other parts of the world might reduce the spread of HIV as well, Nelson adds. Gonorrhea, one of the sexually transmitted diseases that helps spread HIV, "has all but disappeared. The spread of HIV/AIDS is compounded by the prevalence of other diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) in many parts of Asia.
To prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and reduce its impact, developing countries need to mobilize all levels of government and civil society. The second problem with the claimed relationship between stigma and the spread of HIV is a measurement issue. Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be an effective tool in preventing the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. East Asia is facing the fastest-growing epidemic in the world, due to the rapid spread of HIV. As governments, organizations, and individuals strive to combat AIDS deaths and the spread of HIV, we must all aim high.
HIV is what gets passed from person to person. HIV is not transmitted by saliva. HIV is a virus. HIV is passed only through direct contact with another person's body fluids, such as blood. Oral sex with someone who is infected with HIV is certainly not risk free. HIV is not passed on easily from one person to another, especially compared to other viruses. The most common way to become infected with HIV is through sexual contact. Condoms made from natural membranes, such as sheep gut, aren't as good because HIV is small enough to get through the tiny pores in these condoms. HIV is spread most commonly by having unprotected sex with an infected partner. Positive Singles is a confidential online dating service with free lifetime signup.
HIV is a fairly complex virus, although by no means the most complicated known. And we should always remember that HIV is NOT ONLY free-flowing in the bloodstream but is also found in body organs-liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, etc. Once HIV is in your system, it lowers the number of healthy immune cells that you have to fight germs and infections. HIV is not transmitted via casual contact or kissing. The most common test for HIV is the antibody test (called ELISA). HIV is transmitted through body fluids - primarily semen, vaginal fluids, and blood. The only way to find out whether you have HIV is to have a blood test.