Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is known as AIDS in the short form. AIDS is actually the collection of certain symptoms and infections in the human organism which permanently leads to the damage of the human immune system. This disorder is in other ways considered as the body's defense system which hampers the normal functioning of the body organs to a great extent. The basic cause of AIDS is the two types of viruses, namely the HIV 1 and the HIV 2. Basically, these two types of viruses are responsible in the performance of the defense mechanism system of the body.
The most common cause of AIDS is considered to be unprotected sex. Sex without taking proper precaution like wearing a condom is very much responsible for AIDS. Generally, AIDS is transmitted through the semen. It is estimated that more than three million people around the world had died because of AIDS. During the prenatal stage, it is also found that the mother will transmit the disease to the fetus before it is born. AIDS is transferred to the blood by means of transfusion of blood into another person's body cell. Furthermore, AIDS can also be caused through the use of injections which are not properly sterilized in the process of taking drugs or blood into the veins.
At the early stage, symptoms of AIDS are not visible. However, at least after a period of 3 to 6 weeks, the symptoms of AIDS can be noticed through certain flu like sickness. Moreover, symptoms like headache, nausea, fever, fatigue and diarrhea are also considered as other AIDS symptoms. But it can be mentioned out here that though these symptoms occur in an AIDS patient, it lasts for only a temporary period of time and after which, it disappears. Sometimes acute AIDS symptoms cannot be considered as the symptoms of AIDS as they may also be found to be very much common to other forms of diseases. Thus, symptoms either mild or severe cannot be considered as solely the symptoms of AIDS as other forms of sickness or diseases also have similar symptoms. However, when the disease reaches its critical stage, the symptoms become very much acute leading to loss of weight, recurrent fever and the occurrence of certain fatal diseases. This disorder destroys the immune system of the body totally. AIDS is a deadly disease which is the result of unprotected sex, hence to prevent it is essential to avoid unprotected sex.
When you have Herpes, HIV/AIDS, or any other STD, it can feel like you are all alone in the world. Positive Singles is dedicated to providing the premier community for anonymous STD dating, friendship and support. Here you don't have to worry about being rejected just because of something beyond your control. You can share your struggle with new friends, partners or potential spouses who are encountering the same fears. Here you will never feel lonely again!
May you soon find your true soul mate,
Positive Singles Herpes Symptoms
Positive Singles can find eight types of human herpes symptoms of the herpes virus. It is the herpes simplex viruses types I and II- known as HSV- 1 and HSV- 2- that are responsible for genital herpes. HSV- 2 is more frequently transmitted by sexual contact and is one of the most prevalent STDs worldwide; for example, research suggests that one in five Americans is really a carrier of HSV- 2.
HSV- 1 infects the mouth, lips or nose, causing cold sores.
HSV- 2 infects your genital and anal area.
Despite the fact that genital and anal infections used to almost always be caused by HSV- 2 infection, HSV- 1 is becoming more common in these parts of the body due to greater numbers of people having oral sex.
An estimated 80% of Positive Singles people infected with HSV- 2 are not informed they have the virus. This is because genital herpes will often produce mild symptoms or no symptoms at all(asymptomatic infection) . The virus will still be hiding at the base of the nerve cells in the skin however. Many cases of genital herpes go undiagnosed and many people pass the virus on to their sexual partners without knowing of their infection.
Herpes Symptoms
If signs do occur, they will usually appear 2 to 7 days after exposure and last 2 to 4 weeks. Both men and women may have one or more symptoms, including:
Itching or tingling sensations within the genital or anal area.
Tiny fluid- filled blisters that burst leaving small painful sores
Painful sensation when passing urine over the open sores(especially in women) .
Flu- like symptoms, such as swollen glands or fever.
Next outbreaks are usually milder and last for a shorter period of time, usually 3 to 5 days. The sores are fewer, lesser, less painful and heal more quickly, and there are no flu- like symptoms. Subsequent outbreaks, or primary outbreaks in people who have has the virus for some time but have previously been asymptomatic, usually occur during periods of stress or illness when the immune system is functioning less efficiently than normal.
How is genital herpes passed on?
Genital herpes is passed on through Positive Singles skin contact with a person infected with the virus, most frequently during sex. The virus affects the areas where it enters the body. This can occur during:
Vaginal sex
Anal sex
Oral sex(HSV- 1 or HSV- 2)
Kissing(HSV- 1 solely)
Herpes is most infectious through the period when itchy sores start to appear on the skin during an outbreak. But even if an outbreak causes no visible symptoms or breaks in the skin, there is still a risk of the virus being passed on to another person through skin contact.
Where to select help
When you have any symptoms or you are worried you may have been infected with an STD, you ought to discuss your worries with a doctor. They may be able to run tests or offer you treatment themselves, or else will refer you to someone who can.
A tests for genital herpes
To find out if someone has genital herpes, a doctor or nurse will usually carry out the following examinations and tests:
A clinical test will be done of a patient’s genital area.
A sample will be taken, using a cotton wool or spongy swab, from any visible sores.
Women may be given an internal pelvic examination(similar to a smear test) .
A sample of urine may be taken.
If the patient’s symptoms have already disappeared, or if there were no symptoms to begin with, a blood test can be taken to look for the virus. As in HIV diagnosis, the test works by searching for antibodies that the immune system produces to fight the virus. This means that the test is not effective until 3 months after exposure, as the body can take up to 3 months to produce an immune response.
It is possible to have more than one sexually transmitted infection at the same time, so it is advisable to have a full check- up.
Samples taken during an examination are sent to a laboratory for testing, and the result is usually available within 2 weeks, although this varies between countries.
Treatment for genital herpes
There is no cure for the herpes simplex virus and treatment is not necessary, as an outbreak of genital herpes will usually clear up by itself. A doctor may however prescribe a course of antiviral tablets that reduce the severity of an outbreak. The antiviral tablets work by preventing the herpes simplex virus from multiplying. These tablets are only effective when taken within 72 hours of the onset of symptoms, and will cease to have any effect once the patient stops taking them. Herpes Dating free website.
When the initial outbreak of herpes is over, the virus hides away in the nerve fibers adjacent to the infection site, where it remains dormant, causing no symptoms. It is possible for the dormant virus to be 'reactivated' in some people, in which case it travels back down your nerve to the skin surface.
Recurrences of genital herpes vary from person to person in frequency. Some will never experience an outbreak yet again, whilst others may have milder recurrences more than 6 times a year. Because these recurrent infections are milder, they often do not require treatment.
After receiving treatment for genital herpes, the doctor or health advisor will talk about the genital herpes infection and answer any questions. They will also want to know about any partners the patient has had sexual contact with within a recent period, as they will also be at risk of having genital herpes and should be tested.
Support during an outbreak
If you are suffering from an outbreak of genital herpes, there are several things you can do that may help make it easier to cope with:
Take pain killers(aspirin/paracetamol) for any pain.
Gently bathe the sore areas with a salt solution(half a teaspoon of salt to half a pint of warm water) two times a day: it is soothing and helps the sores to dry out. Wear loose clothing so that the air can get to the sore areas. Place an ice- pack wrapped in a clean cloth or towel on the affected area. If passing urine is painful, try urinating in a bath of water, or pour water over yourself while urinating. Drink plenty of fluids, such as mineral water and soft drinks, to help neutralize the urine(it is important not to hold back from passing urine as this may cause further problems) . Avoid sunbathing and utilizing tanning beds. Get plenty of rest.
Caring for yourself and your spouse
In the course of an outbreak of genital herpes, the sores are highly infectious and the virus can be passed on to others by direct contact. To prevent this from happening, you should avoid:
Kissing if you or your partner have cold sores around the mouth.
Experiencing oral sex when you or your partner have oral or genital sores.
Having any genital or anal contact, even with a condom or dental dam, if you or your partner has genital sores.
Applying saliva to wet contact lenses if you have sores around your mouth.
Consider- wash your hands with soap before and after touching the sores.
While the likelihood of transmitting genital herpes to your partner between outbreaks is much reduced, there is still some risk. Having genital herpes does not mean the end of your sex life. Ask your doctor or clinical health advisor for advice.
Bear in mind, a condom will only protect against herpes infection if it covers all the sores. Herpes can also be transmitted by non- penetrative sex.
HIV and genital herpes
Individuals with suppressed immune systems are likely to have more frequent and severe recurring episodes of genital herpes. They may also have more asymptomatic outbreaks(where the virus travels up the nerve to the surface of the skin but causes no blisters) during which time the virus are often passed on.
Pregnancy and genital herpes
Having herpes does not affect a woman's ability to become pregnant, though if herpes is first transmitted in the first 3 months of pregnancy there is a small risk of a miscarriage. A first episode of herpes during pregnancy carries a greater risk of transmission to the baby. Becoming infected towards the end of pregnancy may cause the baby to be born early.
Even if transmission of herpes from a mother to her newborn is rare, if it will occur, it can pose a serious risks to the baby. If left untreated, the infection can cause damage to a newborn's internal organs, skin, and central nervous system and may even prove fatal. Prompt testing and treatment with acyclovir of any baby thought to be at risk is therefore crucial.
Nearly all women who have an outbreak(or even several outbreaks) of genital herpes during pregnancy have a regular delivery and a healthy little one. - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site! - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site! - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
AIDS HIV and Dating?
What is AIDS HIV?
AIDS, or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, is connected to HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). HIV is passed from the first person to another through blood and sexual contact. When HIV/AIDS was initially recognized as a new illness, scientists have learned a lot about how a person becomes infected with HIV. The virus is spread through touch with an infected person's body fluids, especially with blood, semen and vaginal fluids. During the past two decades, about 60 million people all over the world have become infected with HIV. Over than 20 million have died. Over than 90% of these people live in developing countries. There are no special symptoms of HIV infection or AIDS. AIDS includes a variety of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections. These infections and cancers may affect the digestive, nervous, respiratory, muscular, circulatory, and lymphatic, as widely as the immune systems of the body. An infection has developed, causing definite types of pneumonia, diarrhea, eye infections or meningitis.
Symptoms for AIDS (HIV):
The subsequent symptoms may be other signs of HIV infection:
Speedy weight loss that is not due to increased physical exercise or dieting.
Chronic pelvic inflammatory illness.
Enlargement or hardening of glands located in the throat, armpit, or groin.
Intense numbness or pain in the hands or feet, the loss of muscle control and reflex, paralysis or loss of muscular strength.
An altered state of external senses, personality change, or mental deterioration.
What Causes Of AIDS (HIV)?
The Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) has to get into the bloodstream in order to infect humans. This can happen through vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, doing oral sex, sharing needles, breast-feeding from mother to child and with receiving a blood transfusion. Infection of HIV requires these three conditions to be fulfilled:
There has to be exposure to pre-cum, semen, vaginal secretions, blood, or breast milk.
A new cut, open sore, abrasion, etc. has to exist in order to allow the virus to get directly into the bloodstream.
Since the virus does not survive more than a few minutes outside the body, the transmission must be speedy.
Treatment Medication for AIDS (HIV):
Your physician may choose a combination of drugs to fight HIV infection. These drugs are called antiretroviral therapy your doctor hopes to augment the effectiveness of AIDS treatment by attacking HIV at various points. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved over 22 drugs for treating AIDS-related conditions, including drugs that fight opportunistic infections and Kaposi's sarcoma.
Tropical Medications:
Astragalus Extract Full Spectrum
Cat's Claw
Astragalus Glycerine Extract
Home Care Suggestions:
Multiple herbs and supplements can be administered.
A high resisting, immune building diet is primary for success in overcoming AIDS and related illnesses.
Employ olive oil and eat fish (salmon or other cold water varieties) for protein.
When you have Herpes, HIV/AIDS, or any other STD, it can feel like you are all alone in the world. Positive Singles is dedicated to providing the premier community for anonymous STD dating, friendship and support. Here you don't have to worry about being rejected just because of something beyond your control. You can share your struggle with new friends, partners or potential spouses who are encountering the same fears. Here you will never feel lonely again!
May you find your soul mate,
What is AIDS HIV?
AIDS, or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, is connected to HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). HIV is passed from the first person to another through blood and sexual contact. When HIV/AIDS was initially recognized as a new illness, scientists have learned a lot about how a person becomes infected with HIV. The virus is spread through touch with an infected person's body fluids, especially with blood, semen and vaginal fluids. During the past two decades, about 60 million people all over the world have become infected with HIV. Over than 20 million have died. Over than 90% of these people live in developing countries. There are no special symptoms of HIV infection or AIDS. AIDS includes a variety of viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections. These infections and cancers may affect the digestive, nervous, respiratory, muscular, circulatory, and lymphatic, as widely as the immune systems of the body. An infection has developed, causing definite types of pneumonia, diarrhea, eye infections or meningitis.
Symptoms for AIDS (HIV):
The subsequent symptoms may be other signs of HIV infection:
Speedy weight loss that is not due to increased physical exercise or dieting.
Chronic pelvic inflammatory illness.
Enlargement or hardening of glands located in the throat, armpit, or groin.
Intense numbness or pain in the hands or feet, the loss of muscle control and reflex, paralysis or loss of muscular strength.
An altered state of external senses, personality change, or mental deterioration.
What Causes Of AIDS (HIV)?
The Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) has to get into the bloodstream in order to infect humans. This can happen through vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, doing oral sex, sharing needles, breast-feeding from mother to child and with receiving a blood transfusion. Infection of HIV requires these three conditions to be fulfilled:
There has to be exposure to pre-cum, semen, vaginal secretions, blood, or breast milk.
A new cut, open sore, abrasion, etc. has to exist in order to allow the virus to get directly into the bloodstream.
Since the virus does not survive more than a few minutes outside the body, the transmission must be speedy.
Treatment Medication for AIDS (HIV):
Your physician may choose a combination of drugs to fight HIV infection. These drugs are called antiretroviral therapy your doctor hopes to augment the effectiveness of AIDS treatment by attacking HIV at various points. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved over 22 drugs for treating AIDS-related conditions, including drugs that fight opportunistic infections and Kaposi's sarcoma.
Tropical Medications:
Astragalus Extract Full Spectrum
Cat's Claw
Astragalus Glycerine Extract
Home Care Suggestions:
Multiple herbs and supplements can be administered.
A high resisting, immune building diet is primary for success in overcoming AIDS and related illnesses.
Employ olive oil and eat fish (salmon or other cold water varieties) for protein.
When you have Herpes, HIV/AIDS, or any other STD, it can feel like you are all alone in the world. Positive Singles is dedicated to providing the premier community for anonymous STD dating, friendship and support. Here you don't have to worry about being rejected just because of something beyond your control. You can share your struggle with new friends, partners or potential spouses who are encountering the same fears. Here you will never feel lonely again!
May you find your soul mate,
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