Positive Singles Herpes Symptoms

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Positive Singles can find eight types of human herpes symptoms of the herpes virus. It is the herpes simplex viruses types I and II- known as HSV- 1 and HSV- 2- that are responsible for genital herpes. HSV- 2 is more frequently transmitted by sexual contact and is one of the most prevalent STDs worldwide; for example, research suggests that one in five Americans is really a carrier of HSV- 2. Generally: HSV- 1 infects the mouth, lips or nose, causing cold sores. HSV- 2 infects your genital and anal area. Despite the fact that genital and anal infections used to almost always be caused by HSV- 2 infection, HSV- 1 is becoming more common in these parts of the body due to greater numbers of people having oral sex. An estimated 80% of Positive Singles people infected with HSV- 2 are not informed they have the virus. This is because genital herpes will often produce mild symptoms or no symptoms at all(asymptomatic infection) . The virus will still be hiding at the base of the nerve cells in the skin however. Many cases of genital herpes go undiagnosed and many people pass the virus on to their sexual partners without knowing of their infection.
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PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
Herpes Symptoms If signs do occur, they will usually appear 2 to 7 days after exposure and last 2 to 4 weeks. Both men and women may have one or more symptoms, including: Itching or tingling sensations within the genital or anal area. Tiny fluid- filled blisters that burst leaving small painful sores Painful sensation when passing urine over the open sores(especially in women) . Headaches. Backache. Flu- like symptoms, such as swollen glands or fever. Next outbreaks are usually milder and last for a shorter period of time, usually 3 to 5 days. The sores are fewer, lesser, less painful and heal more quickly, and there are no flu- like symptoms. Subsequent outbreaks, or primary outbreaks in people who have has the virus for some time but have previously been asymptomatic, usually occur during periods of stress or illness when the immune system is functioning less efficiently than normal. How is genital herpes passed on? Genital herpes is passed on through Positive Singles skin contact with a person infected with the virus, most frequently during sex. The virus affects the areas where it enters the body. This can occur during: Vaginal sex Anal sex Oral sex(HSV- 1 or HSV- 2) Kissing(HSV- 1 solely) Herpes is most infectious through the period when itchy sores start to appear on the skin during an outbreak. But even if an outbreak causes no visible symptoms or breaks in the skin, there is still a risk of the virus being passed on to another person through skin contact. Where to select help When you have any symptoms or you are worried you may have been infected with an STD, you ought to discuss your worries with a doctor. They may be able to run tests or offer you treatment themselves, or else will refer you to someone who can. A tests for genital herpes To find out if someone has genital herpes, a doctor or nurse will usually carry out the following examinations and tests: A clinical test will be done of a patient’s genital area. A sample will be taken, using a cotton wool or spongy swab, from any visible sores. Women may be given an internal pelvic examination(similar to a smear test) . A sample of urine may be taken. If the patient’s symptoms have already disappeared, or if there were no symptoms to begin with, a blood test can be taken to look for the virus. As in HIV diagnosis, the test works by searching for antibodies that the immune system produces to fight the virus. This means that the test is not effective until 3 months after exposure, as the body can take up to 3 months to produce an immune response. It is possible to have more than one sexually transmitted infection at the same time, so it is advisable to have a full check- up. Samples taken during an examination are sent to a laboratory for testing, and the result is usually available within 2 weeks, although this varies between countries.
PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
Treatment for genital herpes There is no cure for the herpes simplex virus and treatment is not necessary, as an outbreak of genital herpes will usually clear up by itself. A doctor may however prescribe a course of antiviral tablets that reduce the severity of an outbreak. The antiviral tablets work by preventing the herpes simplex virus from multiplying. These tablets are only effective when taken within 72 hours of the onset of symptoms, and will cease to have any effect once the patient stops taking them. Herpes Dating free website. When the initial outbreak of herpes is over, the virus hides away in the nerve fibers adjacent to the infection site, where it remains dormant, causing no symptoms. It is possible for the dormant virus to be 'reactivated' in some people, in which case it travels back down your nerve to the skin surface. Recurrences of genital herpes vary from person to person in frequency. Some will never experience an outbreak yet again, whilst others may have milder recurrences more than 6 times a year. Because these recurrent infections are milder, they often do not require treatment. After receiving treatment for genital herpes, the doctor or health advisor will talk about the genital herpes infection and answer any questions. They will also want to know about any partners the patient has had sexual contact with within a recent period, as they will also be at risk of having genital herpes and should be tested. Support during an outbreak If you are suffering from an outbreak of genital herpes, there are several things you can do that may help make it easier to cope with: Take pain killers(aspirin/paracetamol) for any pain. Gently bathe the sore areas with a salt solution(half a teaspoon of salt to half a pint of warm water) two times a day: it is soothing and helps the sores to dry out. Wear loose clothing so that the air can get to the sore areas. Place an ice- pack wrapped in a clean cloth or towel on the affected area. If passing urine is painful, try urinating in a bath of water, or pour water over yourself while urinating. Drink plenty of fluids, such as mineral water and soft drinks, to help neutralize the urine(it is important not to hold back from passing urine as this may cause further problems) . Avoid sunbathing and utilizing tanning beds. Get plenty of rest. Caring for yourself and your spouse In the course of an outbreak of genital herpes, the sores are highly infectious and the virus can be passed on to others by direct contact. To prevent this from happening, you should avoid: Kissing if you or your partner have cold sores around the mouth. Experiencing oral sex when you or your partner have oral or genital sores. Having any genital or anal contact, even with a condom or dental dam, if you or your partner has genital sores. Applying saliva to wet contact lenses if you have sores around your mouth. Consider- wash your hands with soap before and after touching the sores. While the likelihood of transmitting genital herpes to your partner between outbreaks is much reduced, there is still some risk. Having genital herpes does not mean the end of your sex life. Ask your doctor or clinical health advisor for advice. Bear in mind, a condom will only protect against herpes infection if it covers all the sores. Herpes can also be transmitted by non- penetrative sex. HIV and genital herpes Individuals with suppressed immune systems are likely to have more frequent and severe recurring episodes of genital herpes. They may also have more asymptomatic outbreaks(where the virus travels up the nerve to the surface of the skin but causes no blisters) during which time the virus are often passed on.
PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
Pregnancy and genital herpes Having herpes does not affect a woman's ability to become pregnant, though if herpes is first transmitted in the first 3 months of pregnancy there is a small risk of a miscarriage. A first episode of herpes during pregnancy carries a greater risk of transmission to the baby. Becoming infected towards the end of pregnancy may cause the baby to be born early. Even if transmission of herpes from a mother to her newborn is rare, if it will occur, it can pose a serious risks to the baby. If left untreated, the infection can cause damage to a newborn's internal organs, skin, and central nervous system and may even prove fatal. Prompt testing and treatment with acyclovir of any baby thought to be at risk is therefore crucial. Nearly all women who have an outbreak(or even several outbreaks) of genital herpes during pregnancy have a regular delivery and a healthy little one.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Herpes Dating Sites

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Herpes genitalis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Online dating used to be like that famous quote by Forrest Gump’s momma "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Well, that is still partially true if you don’t use common sense and caution. Online dating sites have become so specialized that whether you are looking for more traditional singles dating, Christian and Jewish dating or even STD Personals and Herpes Dating, there is certainly an internet dating site to fill your specific needs.

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PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!

Some of these groups are very active and are a great place to make friends and find people to date. There are also several online dating services for people with herpes and other STDs. You'll find a chart comparing these services at Herpes Dating Online. If you are dating people who do not have herpes, you should learn how to tell someone that you have herpes, and how to reduce your risk of transmitting herpes to your partner(s). The more you know about genital herpes, the more confident you will be about the choices you make. 

Consider exploring herpes personals online. This step is a great way to develop a support group and gain more information. The more you know, the better you can manage herpes. Remember, herpes is not life threatening. Herpes singles can bond in self-help efforts to live a healthy life. So, seek out others who you can help you and vice versa with herpes dating services.

It's up to you to decide the right time to tell your date that you have genital herpes. Follow two rules: First, don't wait until after having sex. Second, don't wait until you're just about to have sex -- in which case the attraction may be too strong for either of you to think rationally and act responsibly.

Herpes is caused by a virus called Herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are five types of herpes virus. Herpes simplex-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2, the most common type) are considered sexually transmitted diseases. HSV-1 causes cold sores and fever blisters on the mouth and has been found in genital lesions as well. HSV-2, commonly called genital herpes, causes internal and external genital sores and blisters. Herpes is a lifelong, incurable disease but can be managed with antiviral drugs and safer sex practices. About 48 million people in the United States have genital herpes.

Once you get a hold of that Herpes Information and you really let it sink in, become satisfied and happy with who you are and not too overly obsessive about what you have - then it’s time to find that special someone. Take your time and do not settle for anything less than the best whether the person has an STD or not. A lot of people out there feel like they have to find somebody with herpes and that is just NOT the case!

Note that sometimes, the member met their partner somewhere other than PositiveMeeting.com However, often it was the member's participation with StdWorld.com that helped them move on to the point where they could talk about things with someone else, to the extent that the member still wanted to share their Herpes Dating Success Story with other StdWorld.com members.

Why should you join a free site like PositiveCupid.com to date and socialize with other people who have herpes or HPV? People tend to choose others having similar interests and backgrounds, so having herpes or HPV might not seem to be a factor that would draw people together.

PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!
PositiveSingles.com - the best, most trusted and largest anonymous STD dating site!

ASHA: Since 1914 the American Social Health Association has been committed to educating the public about STDs. On this site you will find accurate and reliable information about all kinds of STDs, including Herpes and HPV. Visit ASHA for Herpes information and HPV information.

At this time, there is no cure for herpes. However, there are many different approaches to the management of herpes. Some of these solutions are approved or endorsed by official bodies, such as the FDA, and some aren't. You need to carefully read all the information provided and make your own determination, remembering that what works for one person may not work for the next person. This applies to FDA-approved drugs like Valtrex, Zovirax, Famvir, Acyclovir, as well as other remedies.

The neat thing about some of the regular dating sites, try PositiveCupid.com, is that you can browse for free. People really like this aspect because it gives them the opportunity to check out some of the profiles before they decide to commit financially. Not only that but the rates are reasonable and more than fair and you can cancel at any time with no strings attached. Furthermore, it's been neat to receive all the comments from folks that have tried many of these types of dating sites and were actually successful at finding somebody they are compatible with. So, if you're curious don't be afraid to check out online dating. Remember, it's not about what you have it's about who you are!

HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be found in and released from the sores that the viruses cause, but they also are released between outbreaks from skin that does not appear to be broken or to have a sore. Generally, a person can only get HSV-2 infection during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. Transmission can occur from an infected partner who does not have a visible sore and may not know that he or she is infected.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Herpes Dating Helpful Ideas

Herpes Dating Help
The disease can be life altering. Over 20 percent of North Americans have genital herpes. It is an epidemic on the rise. It is the responsibility of those who know they are infected to disclose to their partners that they have an incurable sexually transmitted disease. Can you imagine having to ask your date if they have ever been sexually involved with someone who has an STD? Living with genital herpes can be very difficult. It is a very contagious viral infection, one affecting the lives of men and women in different ways.

If you have herpes and you want to date someone who does not, you need to make sure you tell them before you have sex. There are some who will want to cut off all ties right away because they are scared they will contract the disease. You cannot fault them, but you can make sure you educate them so they don’t make a wrong decision.

A sexually transmitted disease STD or (Sexually Transmitted Infection) is a disease caused by a pathogen (e.g., virus, bacterium, parasite, fungus) that is spread from person to person primarily through sexual contact. STDs can be painful, irritating, debilitating, and life threatening. More than twenty sexually transmitted diseases have been identified.

Christian dating tends to be less complicated than regular dating because many Christians believe in abstinence until marriage. Therefore, there’s a lot less pressure and stress about sex in Christian dating. Usually, the greatest challenge in Christian dating is finding a Christian date. So where’s the best place to look for fellow Christian singles? A Christian church is often the best place to start because you’re sure to meet people who share in your beliefs. Also, become involved in Christian events in your community to meet as many Christian singles as possible.

Herpes is caused by a virus called Herpes simplex virus (HSV). There are five types of herpes virus. Herpes simplex-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2, the most common type) are considered sexually transmitted diseases. HSV-1 causes cold sores and fever blisters on the mouth and has been found in genital lesions as well. HSV-2, commonly called genital herpes, causes internal and external genital sores and blisters. Herpes is a lifelong, incurable disease but can be managed with antiviral drugs and safer sex practices. About 48 million people in the United States have genital herpes.

Herpes is most easily spread from genital-to-genital or oral-to-genital contact during an active outbreak or during the few days just before an outbreak. A person most certainly CAN spread the virus even if he or she is not having an outbreak.

Regardless of where you find your date there are certain precautions that you should take. Of course these are more lenient when the other person already has herpes, but care has to be taken not to spread it to other areas of your body.

Herpes information - herpes facts you need to know - herpes dating - herpes support - information and pictures on this site are provided for informational purposes. Herpes online dating all about herpes online dating! PositiveMeeting.com and PositiveCupid.com are 2 of the most popular herpes dating sites. These 2 websites offer free registration and free lifetime ads.

Herpes dating is possible! Your life doesn’t have to end just because you have herpes. Get up and find the love of your life and all the support you’ll ever need. Always take care with your education and preventive strategies. Never feel alone again. Register free today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Searching Personals Women

Men and women take a different approach to finding their match. Women post an on a women personals site ad and receive responses. And they receive much more responses than men do. As a result, with the time women spend viewing the ads of the men that e-mail them and responding to those that they find interesting, there is no time and no need for them to search the men personals ads. Surely, women do scroll through the men personals sites, but they do that not as often as men scroll though women personals sites.

Men are hunters by nature. The Internet changes nothing, which is just another field to expand and develop their hunting skills. It' still man chasing women. Men cruise the ads on women personals sites more frequently than women search through men personals sites. Men write to the women they find interesting but do not just await a response. They may date several women at once, with each woman dated sure that she is the only one. Women appear more honest.

Married personals are another matter. A married person can't openly search the Internet to find their real perfect match. First of all he doesn't want his or her spouse to know about that.

But there might be another reason why a person is searching through a married personals site and not through any other one. A person cruising though a married personals site may be confident that only a men or woman who is married (but is not satisfied with the marriage and wants to divorce) or has been married realizes and clearly understands what marriage is, that he won’t look for an adventure but for a solid relationship.

PositiveCupid.com lets you search singles near you to find single women and men who share similar interests. You can chat online, plan your date, get dating and relationship advice, or explore any of the STD Blogs or support groups. Try a free personals trial and meet that someone special to create a long-lasting relationship.

Imagine how much more enjoyment you would get out of life if you knew why so many relationships don't last and what you could do to turn ordinary dating into romantic satisfaction. The ability to be successful in a long-term relationship is what separates the guys who have exciting lives and beautiful girlfriends from the guys who wonder why they're always starting over.
Make sure you pay careful attention to what she says. Do not have your response pre-thought out. Women love a man who pays attention to the details of what she says. If you start throwing out random words, she will lose interest fast.

Dating Asian women is like dating no other women in this world, and you are going to have a great time. If all you have ever dated is women around where you live then you have no idea what you are missing and should go give it a try. You will be happy with what you find. I should know, I married a Filipino.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Teenagers With STD’s

According to a March report released by the Center for Disease Control at the 2008 National STD Prevention Conference, an estimated one in four -- 26 percent -- or 3.2 million teenage girls and young women ages 14 to 19 -- are infected with at least one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.
One in four teenage girls in the United States has a sexually transmitted disease, but local educators say information and communication are the best ways to reduce the numbers.

The most frequently occurring STDs are human papilloma virus (HPV), chlamydia, herpes simplex virus and trichomoniasis.

The study was the first of its kind to measure the prevalence of STDs among adolescent women in the United States, and provided the clearest picture of the "overall STD burden" in the demographic.
Locally, STDs are on the rise. Among people of all ages, males and females, the rate of chlamydia in Warren, Washington and Saratoga counties has nearly doubled since 2002, when 266 cases were reported in the three counties, according to the New York State Department of Health. In 2006, the year for which the most recent data is available, 460 cases of chlamydia were reported in the three counties.

In Warren County alone, for the year 2007, 26 cases of teenage chlamydia were reported; one was male, 25 cases were reported from females, according to Helen Stern, public nurse for Warren County. One explanation could be that some of the cases were females who were pregnant, and it is routine to test for STDs.

"Today's data demonstrate the significant health risk STDs pose to million of young women in this country every year," said Kevin Fenton, director of CDC's National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. "Given that the health effects of STDs for women -- from infertility to cervical cancer -- are particularly severe, STD screening, vaccination and other prevention strategies for sexually active women are among our highest public health priorities."

Educators say that while numbers are staggering, information continues to be one of the best ways to prevent the transmission of STDs.

Linda Scharf, director of communications for Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson said the high numbers of young people could be a result of abstinence-only education.

"This CDC report highlights the tragic consequences of abstinence-only education which censors information about birth control and disease prevention that can save the lives and futures of young people," she said.
Peer prevention

A peer education group called Teen View strives to provide teenagers, both male and female, with the information they need to make healthy decisions -- but, unlike structured classroom exercises, they learn from people their age.

Teen members from Warren, Washington and Saratoga counties are trained about sexual health and present to schools and communities through interactive skits and activities, said Darren Cosgrove, a community educator with Planned Parenthood and co-adviser for the group.

"When Teen View comes in, not only are they getting facts and education to empower to them, it's also being presented in a way that values them and empowers them," Cosgrove said.

"I think a lot of the reasons young people are experience risky behaviors and the consequences of risky behaviors because of lack of education," said Cosgrove, who was a member of Teen View when he was younger.

Teen View covers a wide variety of topics, from sexual assault to pregnancy, and teaches about sexual health. They try to relay the importance of abstinence and communication.

During a recent evening, a group of teenagers prepared for presentations in the Stillwater Central School District.

The group practiced an exercise, where each teen gathers signatures, and at the end of the drill, the person with the most signatures symbolizes a person with an STD. That idea is that each person is connected, and the exercise shows how easily the infections can be spread. Cosgrove, for the purpose of the exercise, collected no signatures, and therefore hadn't contracted any STDs.

He symbolized a person who remained abstinent, the only real way to 100 percent prevent STDs.

Travis Samborin, 17, said the group has helped make him a better person, while allowing him to help others.
"We don't tell people what decisions to make, we educate them, hoping they make healthier decisions," he said.

His mother, Cheryl Samborin, said that peer pressure plays a strong role in the lives of teenagers, and the group is one way to combat that pressure.

"I just think that children are so highly influenced by their peers and the better educated they are, the better they'll be," she said.

Sex education

Part of the job description for Jill Castle, a community educator with Planned Parenthood and also a co-adviser of Teen View, includes traveling to schools to use education tools as a supplement to a health teacher's curriculum to educate both males and females about sexual health.
Castle teaches about male and female responsibility, and uses a time line to go through the phases of sexual activity. She and the students talk about at which point the actions become "sex."

Many students have different answers for what they consider sex, risky behaviors and abstinence, Castle said.

Students usually have at least an idea about sex and sexually transmitted diseases before Castle starts speaking.

"They do have an idea and a lot of them think it's just having unprotected sex. But, it can happen in many other risky behaviors," she said.

For example, a lot of STDs are transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, outside of sexual intercourse, and kids don't realize it, she said.
Castle said, in general, the students are very responsive to her, and she thinks she's making a difference in how they'll make decisions about their sexual health.

"I really enjoy what I do and I think it's really helpful for teens to know what services are available," Castle said.

"I would like to believe that once they get that information they retain it and they are able to make more responsible choices in the future."

Class time

Carol Miller, a health teacher for Glens Falls High School, agrees that sex education in the classroom produces tangible results. She said she's not yet introduced an outside educator into her curriculum, but she's hoping to in the future.

"There is a definite correlation. With sex education there are less pregnancies in the high school," Miller said.

During the sex education chapter, Miller teaches her students about transmission, symptoms and complications of STDs if they are left untreated.

She also speaks about treatment, if there is a treatment, and prevention.

Miller has taught elsewhere and said she has found that Glens Falls is more conservative on the spectrum of sex education. Parents seem to be more concerned about what topics are chosen to educate their children.

"They're a little concerned that we're 'saying things,' " Miller said.

When Miller asks students what they want to learn about, many list sexual topics, an indicator that they are receptive to learning.

"They're asking questions. And if they ask questions, they're listening," she said.

Parents are really the first sexual educators in a child's life, but might not always know the best ways to approach the topics, Miller said.

"There's a lot of mixed information out there and lot of parents just aren't sure how to teach it," she said. "I just think we need to get the information out there so they're aware. Awareness is half of the battle."

The health teacher of five years said she wasn't surprised by the numbers produced by the CDC report.

"They've got to have the knowledge to make the responsible decision. It's such a growing problem in our kids right now," she said.
Young adults can find helpful information about dating someone with herpes or any other STD at one of these fine online sites which feature free lifetime ads, STD chat online, daily news, easy sign up, and blogs. PositiveMeeting.com and PositiveCupid.com have thousands of members with photos.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Working Through Herpes To Start Dating Again

By examining the role you play in each interaction you have with loved ones, you'll not only be able let go of your past, but you'll also learn more about your motivations and expectations for future relationships as well. When you do decide to go out on a date do something where you can communicate, you need to talk to each other to get to know each other. What if you have herpes or HPVs? Do you tell her?

Reflect on Negative Self-Talk. Have you ever noticed when you are alone the things you say to yourself without thinking? "I'll never get married," or "Why would anyone ever find me attractive?" are both examples of negative self talk Take a notebook around with you for a day and write down each time you say something to yourself that isn't very nice. Having herpes is not the end of your dating life. Don’t feel alone.
Plan a date that starts earlier on in the evening, or maybe even the afternoon. Because the evening is generally a more relaxed time of day, you don't want to confuse the issues early in the game. You want to see a person for who they really are by engaging in an activity during the day.

Show your date just how confident you are with a good casual style of dress. This will make the date seem casual, yet personal. Causal allows you to talk about a wider range of topics, and to feel more comfortable, and personal lets everyone around you know you are on a date. 

You need to make space in your life for love. Making space for love in your life means clearing all clutter so that there's room for someone or something. Determine if it's better to wait before you venture into a relationship. There are some situations in life that aren't conducive to finding a date. Herpes, STD’s, and HPV should not inhibit your dating. There are places such as PozMeeting.com and PositiveCupid.com where you can find people who have the same afflictions as you. I highly recommend both sites – sign ups are free and easy. Chat online, free lifetime ads, STD Blogs, success stories, daily news, groups, and forums. You never have to feel alone again. Check out some of the success stories of others who have the same problems as you.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Does Dating According To Birth Order Make Sense?

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Herpes, A Dastardly Catch!

Positive Singles
Français : Herpès génital (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Positive Singles Positive Singles Free Signup
This blog was created because I found it very difficult to find herpes dating information that was relevant to my needs. Finding explicitly sex-related herpes sites was nearly impossible, especially sites specific to my local area. Is that herpes dating site trying to make it seem as though they care about your self esteem, how to tell, etc. But do they really care about YOU or are they simply hoping you will pay the monthly fee and renew at a later date? While it’s hard to find a good herpes dating site on the web, I’ve found that PositiveCupid.com is one of the best. The name of the site not only refers to the STD status of its members, but also their attitude. This site has thousands of happy members looking for a date and a relationship.
Connect with other members for herpes sex, herpes dating, and herpes personals. Herpes dating and HPV dating can be difficult. We went online so our members are real and active. No matter what kind of STDs you have, you can feel free to enjoy herpes dating, HPV dating or any others. 

We love to celebrate the success of our members! If you have had a great experience, why not tell us about it? If you talk to someone who’s a member of one of these sites, they’ll probably tell you that they experienced a bit of nervousness at first, especially if it was the first time they admitted it publicly. But most will be quick to tell you also that instead of feeling all alone, suddenly they found themselves with a support group of thousands. I remember going to a chat room once where people just went to vent. There was yelling and screaming and I thought eeeeek. But there, that night, I found my soul mate.

Join us and contact thousands of members now. Interact with other members in a fun, safe and anonymous environment. Create your profile, upload photos & video, IM, email, chat online, and send messages to other members! Registration at PositiveCupid.com is quick and free. No cost – nada!

STDDatingchat.com stuck out because it seemed to have a lot of members and I could read success stories before ever joining the site. I dove right in and was overwhelmed with how many people had found love and friendship on the site. Just type "how to tell someone I have genital herpes.” It’s not something that defines who you are and remember we all get rejected for one reason or another, this might be your reason, or it may not be. Regardless when you tell your dating partner this, if he or she really likes you it won't matter to them.
Positive Singles Positive Singles Free Signup

Whether you are targeting a specific niche such as Asian dating, STD dating, etc, or just need something different, the following tips are directed at all online dating participants. Does your online date get in touch with you regularly? Do you do the same problem? Stdworld.com is an online community for people who have herpes and HPVs to meet and greet. Stdworld.com is an online dating and social community.

We don't offer just online personals; we are personal in our offerings - to help you find a date, a relationship, and a marriage. Just like regular real-world relationships, online relationships need tending to grow over time. Neglect can set in. Stay in touch often.

PositiveCupid.com is an online dating site for people with STD’s. The result is a powerful attack on the herpes virus, which has positively changed the lives of people all around the globe. Join free now and meet others HIV positive people and make new friends, or meet your soul mate. Our goal is to provide an HIV dating and an HIV social community. Those affected by a disease and those around them are staying positive and strong. The family and friends of an individual with an STD can be very supportive as well.

It's up to you to decide the right time to tell your date that you have genital herpes. Follow two rules: First, don't wait until after having sex. Even though HSV may not cause "cold sores" or genital signs or symptoms at the moment, it can still cause symptoms later. The result is that people are not even aware that they have either oral or genital herpes. It has been observed that people generally go into a shell when they realize they have the disease and their social interactions become awkward.

As a matter of fact, 70 million are afflicted with STDs in the U.S. Are you one of them? Having an STD could lead to confusion, resentment, anger, and isolating yourself. One may ask themselves many questions. At PositiveCupid.com you can find answers to your questions, as well as meet many new friends.

If you travel you can meet people from all over the world. If you are stuck pretty close to home and need dates for your local area it can happen. Herpes sex and herpes dating isn't hard when you meet others who have herpes, too. Sex with herpes can be wonderful. From the first date to the meeting, we will show you how to make a girl fall for you step-by-step. PositiveCupid.com has free registrations and free lifetime ads.

Positive Singles Positive Singles Free Signup
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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What To Do When All You Date Are Jerks

We've all got dating patterns and we are all frustrated the same. Why do I always date the same guy, you ask yourself. Why am I reminded of my dad with every boyfriend? How come the type of guy with really spiky hair is the only type that approaches me?

You continue to date the same type of guy because you are the same type of person. You need to discover whatever it is about you that attracts jerks, and then change it if you don't want to date them. Maybe start looking at online dating sites for a new relationship.

Now don't get me wrong, people are just big, huge jerks sometimes. But we're not talking about them. We're talking about you. Here are three steps you need to follow to stop your jerk-dating pattern.

First Step: Ask a Friend
If more than once you've dated the same type of loser, go to your most honest friend and ask why they think that is. Really listen to what they tell you. Try online dating – you will be surprised at the number of nice people here looking for love. There are a number of dating sites listing people with std's, such as herpes, hiv, aids, hpv. Try to find a loving perfect partner here.

Second Step: Be Single
From here you need to decide to be single for a while. During this time when you are truly single, date yourself. Get to know you and learn what it is that makes you tick. Really think about what it is you're looking for and what you need to be happy. Once you figure this out write it down, keep it in your bag, and read it every day.

Third Step: Dating the Antithesis
Do yourself a favor and date someone that is nothing like your ex, when you are ready. So seek someone that is different; get a taste for what is out there. You might be surprised to find that you connect with all kinds of people-even if you don't think they're your "type."

With self-reflection and time you won't date any more jerks. The first step is admitting you have a problem, like all challenges we face. You may want to try an online dating site such as PositiveCupid.com to find your perfect match.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Herpes Dating

Online dating used to be like that famous quote by Forrest Gump’s momma "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get." Well, that is still partially true if you don’t use common sense and caution. Online dating sites have become so specialized that whether you are looking for more traditional singles dating, Christian and Jewish dating or even STD Personals and Herpes Dating, there is certainly an internet dating site to fill your specific needs.

Some of these groups are very active and are a great place to make friends and find people to date. There are also several online dating services for people with herpes and other STDs. If you are dating people who do not have herpes, you should learn how to tell someone that you have herpes, and how to reduce your risk of transmitting herpes to your partner(s). The more you know about genital herpes, the more confident you will be about the choices you make.

Consider exploring herpes personals online. This step is a great way to develop a support group and gain more information. The more you know, the better you can manage herpes. Remember, herpes is not life threatening. Herpes singles can bond in self-help efforts to live a healthy life. So, seek out others who you can help you and vice versa with herpes dating services.
This is a warm-hearted and exclusive community for singles and friends with STDs. Here you can get on with your life and meet new friends, partners or potential spouses, or learn about STD medical information. If you just need to find someone to talk to or give them help or advice, this is the best place. Never feel lonely again!

Have you become satisfied and happy with who you are and not too overly obsessive about what you have - then it's time to find that special someone. Take your time and do not settle for anything less than the best whether the person has an STD or not. A lot of people out there feel like they have to find somebody with herpes and that is just NOT the case!
Whether you have been together for years, or if you're just starting a new relationship, the conversation will be difficult--but it is one that you need to have. Start by being comfortable with the information yourself. Know how herpes is transmitted, and what you can reduce the risk of giving it to your partner. If you have been together for a while, recommend that your partner be tested for the virus. If you are starting a new relationship, testing is still a good idea.

Why should you join a site like PositiveCupid.com to date and socialize with other people who have herpes or HPV? People tend to choose others having similar interests and backgrounds, so having herpes or HPV might not seem to be a factor that would draw people together.
Depending on your dating style, you might look for another person who knows he or she has herpes, if only to avoid having to discuss it. If you already use dating services or personal ads, you can also use any of those specifically for people with genital herpes. A search on the Internet for "herpes dating" will turn up several.

ASHA: Since 1914 the American Social Health Association has been committed to educating the public about STDs. On this site you will find accurate and reliable information about all kinds of STDs, including Herpes and HPV. Visit ASHA for Herpes information and HPV information.

The neat thing about some of the regular dating sites is that you can browse for free. People really like this aspect because it gives them the opportunity to check out some of the profiles before they decide to commit financially. Not only that but the rates are reasonable and more than fair and you can cancel at any time with no strings attached. Furthermore, it's been neat to receive all the comments from folks that have tried many of these types of dating sites and was actually successful at finding somebody they are compatible with. So, if you're curious don't be afraid to check out online dating. Remember, it's not about what you have it's about who you are!

There is no treatment that can cure herpes, but antiviral medications can shorten and prevent outbreaks during the period of time the person takes the medication. In addition, daily suppressive therapy for symptomatic herpes can reduce transmission to partners.